Custom Dildos

If you want a custom dildo you’re in the right place. Pick a dildo, then make it yours by choosing colours, firmness, size, and addons. Shop dildos in a variety of styles including egg-laying dildos, ejaculating dildos and tentacle dildos. Plus every fantasy dildo is hand-poured from the finest platinum silicone and shipped out in 1-6 days. 


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53 products

The Mystery Dildo
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The KnotThe Knot
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The Tentacle Ovipositor
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The Dragon: Knot IIThe Dragon: Knot II
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The Werewolf IVThe Werewolf IV
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The Tentacle: KnotThe Tentacle: Knot
The Knot IIIThe Knot III
Sale priceFrom £49
The Alien OvipositorThe Alien Ovipositor
The Knot IIThe Knot II
The Tentacle Depth Trainer IIThe Tentacle Depth Trainer II
The Dragon: Knot IIIThe Dragon: Knot III
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The Sea HorseThe Sea Horse
The AlienThe Alien
The Dragon: Knot IThe Dragon: Knot I
The GeeyemThe Geeyem
The Depth TrainerThe Depth Trainer
The Xenomorph OvipositorThe Xenomorph Ovipositor
The Werewolf IIIThe Werewolf III
The DragonThe Dragon
The Tentacle Depth Trainer IIIThe Tentacle Depth Trainer III
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The Tentacle: Knot IIThe Tentacle: Knot II
The RealisticThe Realistic
The Tentacle IIThe Tentacle II
The VoidThe Void
The Werewolf IIThe Werewolf II
The EquiknotThe Equiknot
The PinpointThe Pinpoint
The TentacleThe Tentacle
The Alien Ovipositor IIThe Alien Ovipositor II
The Dragon IIThe Dragon II
The Alien IIThe Alien II
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The Werewolf Bullet SleeveThe Werewolf Bullet Sleeve
The Behir OvipositorThe Behir Ovipositor
The Aster PlugThe Aster Plug
The Arbora Bullet SleeveThe Arbora Bullet Sleeve
The OwlbearThe Owlbear
The RymruThe Rymru
The Knot Bullet SleeveThe Knot Bullet Sleeve
The Geeyem Bullet SleeveThe Geeyem Bullet Sleeve
The Tentacle: Knot Bullet SleeveThe Tentacle: Knot Bullet Sleeve
The Banana X TentacleThe Banana X Tentacle
The Tentacle Depth TrainerThe Tentacle Depth Trainer
The Knot - Small / Med / Lrg - Ready-Made - 3007
The Arbora - Small / Med / Lrg - Ready-Made - 3013
The Dragon - Small / Med / Lrg - Ready-Made - 3012
The Depth Trainer - Small / Med / Lrg - Ready-Made - 3014
The Sea Horse - Small / Med / Lrg - Ready-Made - 3005
Werwolf - Small / Med / Lrg - Ready-Made - 3018Werwolf - Small / Med / Lrg - Ready-Made - 3018

What are custom dildos?

There's a whole world of sex toys out there that you may not know about, and one of those is the custom dildo. A custom dildo is exactly what it sounds like – a dildo that is made specifically for you. Whether you want it small or large, or if you have more specific desires in terms of colour, and firmness, a custom dildo can be just what you're looking for. Here's everything you need to know about them!

Which dildo would you recommend for beginners?

Frequently, customers who are new to our range of custom dildos ask us which one we would suggest. It's important to acknowledge that sexual preferences vary widely, and what is enjoyable for one person may not be for another. However, we typically recommend choosing a style that appeals to you and selecting the small size with a super soft firmness. This will allow you to select a dildo that visually appeals to you while also ensuring that it's comfortable to use.

How do you choose the right company to make your dildo?

Take a look at what materials they use. If it’s platinum silicone or medical grade silicone then go ahead. If it’s PVC, Jelly, TPE or TPR - run. The reasons companies choose these materials is not for the benefit of the customer, it’s the benefit of cost. The problem with these materials are that:

  • You can’t clean them - Porous toys can harbour bacteria.
  • In order to be safe when using them, you should use a condom
  • They can melt when in contact with other toys, leaching out colours and oils.

What are some of the things you can customise on your dildo?

With our dildos you can customise the following:

  • Size. Most of our models come in 3 sizes as standard - small, medium and large.
  • Firmness. Currently we offer 2 types of firmness - soft and medium. Generally, for the larger toys (medium or large size option) I recommend to go with a softer silicone. This is because there's more give when using them. The only downside is that if you want the toy to stand up on its own, it won't.
  • For smaller toys, go with medium firmness as while it’s firmer than the soft, there's some give it to making it relatable to a real penis.
  • Colours - we have 25 base colours to choose from. If there’s a colour you want but don’t see, let us know and we’ll order it in specially for you.
  • Addons - Add a vac u lock hole to your custom dildo to turn it into a vac u lock dildo or add a double suction cup to turn it into a suction cup dildo.

What are the benefits of choosing a custom dildo over a store-bought one?

Most store-bought dildos will be churned out of a factory line somewhere in China (probably), shipped over on a shipping container and then dumped onto the shelf. There’s a place for mass produced sex toys and you can buy some great designs at great prices, however for something as personal as a sex toy, buy a custom sex toy with heart and soul that is hand-poured by the creator that designed it!